The CEDIA expo is the annual get together of the worlds leading home technology companies and this year it was held from 5th – 9th Sept in San Diego. Unfortunately we didn’t attend but with all the excitement on social media about new products and services, its a great week to see what else we can offer our customers.

With Control4 being are largest selling solution, we’ve been awaiting the release of some exciting new features … we’d love to tell you all before its released to the public but we’re kept in the dark as much as you! Control4 have acquired a number of influential brands over the past few years and are focusing on offering a really solid solution across all areas from video, audio, lighting, networking and security, the benefit of which is a more stable system with slicker integration.

Control4 Panalized Lighting

We’re a big fan of the Control4 panalized lighting having being one of the first UK dealers to install the system on a whole house project. Its proven itself as a reliable and flexible system whilst providing total integration with the rest of Control4’s products. Whilst it may only be an aesthetic touch, Control4 have released glass facia to add to their range of lighting keypad face plates. Available in black or white, these are sure to be popular.

Control4 Single Square Faceplate

Control4 DS2 Mini

Next up is the Ds2 Mini, a smaller more compact doorstation for homeowners who don’t require a keypad. Available in stainless or black nickel as per the regular DS2, they have the same quality audio and video as their larger brother and will integrate in exactly the same way.

Control4 DS2 Mini Door Station


One feature which has been greatly improved is the announcer start times. The new Triad power amplifier has a built in trigger which coupled with the new software, will provide quicker response times to features such as the doorbell announcer. This is a great feature which will triggers an audio file to be played over the house speakers in the chosen rooms.

Triad 8-Zone Power Amplifie

Enhanced camera views

The release of Control4’s updated firmware always excites us as to what we can roll out when we update our customers systems and the latest update is no different. Integration of CCTV with Control4 has previously lacked a few features but this has now been overcome with this significant update which now includes full screen camera view, control of PTZ cameras from touch screens and gestures to switch from one camera to the other. Whether its for your own security or keeping an eye on the dog trying to escape, all these features add some great new features to the package.

Control4 OS 2.10 enhanced camera views

To read the full release from Control4, please visit Control4’s website




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